Confidence is Power


“The feeling or belief that one
can have faith in or rely
on someone or something; 
it also a feeling of self-assurance arising from an appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.

Actually Confidence isn't Power. Confidence is directly proportional to Power. When confidence increases power also increases.

Why we need Confidence.

Having confidence and avoiding self-sabotage is essential for several reasons. One reason is that it convinces others that we know what we are doing. People tend to trust people that they think exude confidence in themselves more than people who lack this sense of confidence. By illustrating to others that you can do the job or satisfy their request, you will be able to be more successful with your goals and business interests.

Role of Leadership.

Confidence is the cornerstone of leadership. Leaders may 

learn to be effective problem solvers, more decisive, 

better communicators, apply coaching and mentoring skills

to their teams, and yet, without the leader's ability to believe 

in themselves, true leadership will only exist in title.


1. No one is BETTER than You.

That’s right.  There is always someone more accomplished at something, more popular, wealthier, funnier, better looking.  But that doesn’t make them better.  They’re not YOU. You have a unique combination of personality traits, education, life experience and values that no other human on the planet has.  Remember that when you’re on Twitter or at a cocktail party.

2. Your Comfort Zone is an Instrument.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t push your limits and grow.  But there’s something to be said for knowing who you are, what you are and what you’re good at.  Lean extra hard into that even if you’re branching out into new territory.  Your confidence thrives there and it’s that confidence that will help you succeed at scary new endeavors or recover from failures.  That comfort zone nourishes your resilience, without which, you’ll give up when you hit a wall.

3. Truth will set you free.

Tell the truth. If you’re actually being yourself and you’re saying things that you actually believe, you can’t lose.  No one is appealing to EVERYONE.  You’re wasting your time if you’re trying to make sure that everyone likes you.  Everyone does NOT like you.  Make your peace with that and you’ll be so liberated that you’ll be able to channel your energy into making progress toward your goals.

Some Quotes -

“Life has no remote....get up and change it yourself!”
― Mark A. Cooper, Operation Einstein

“The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages.”
― Virginia Woolf


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